Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?

Seifenoper (12 ep.)
From 2016-04-07
to 2016-06-23
Alternative Titles
en:And you thought there is never a girl online?
ru:А ты думал, что твоя жена в онлайн-игре на самом деле не девушка?
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Episode 1 - Netoge no Yome wa Onna no Ko ja Nai to Omotta?
- en. And you thought there is never a girl online?
- ja. ネトゲの嫁は女の子じゃないと思った?
Episode 2 - Gakkou ja Netoge wa Dekinai to Omotta?
- en. I thought we couldn't play net games at school?
- ja. 学校じゃネトゲはできないと思った?
Episode 3 - Netoge to Real wa Chigau to Omotta?
- en. I thought net games and reality were different?
- ja. ネトゲとリアルは違うと思った?
Episode 4 - Anoko no Himitsu ga Barenai to Omotta?
- en. I thought her secret wasn't going to get out?
- ja. あの子の秘密がバレないと思った?
Episode 5 - Tensei sureba Wanchan Aru to Omotta?
- en. I thought reincarnating would give me my big chance?
- ja. 転生すればワンチャンあると思った?
Episode 6 - Kokuhaku shitara Seikou Kakutei da to Omotta?
- en. I thought if I declared my love, I was sure to succeed?
- ja. 告白したら成功確定だと思った?
Episode 7 - Otomari shitara Rea-juu ni Nareru to Omotta?
- en. I thought if I went to the beach, I would become a normie?
- ja. お泊まりしたらリア充になれると思った?
Episode 8 - Netoge no Danna wo Akirameru to Omotta?
- en. I thought I was giving up being a net game husband?
- ja. ネトゲの旦那を諦めると思った?
Episode 9 - Otomari Shitara Nakayoku Nareru to Omotta?
- en. I thought if we stayed over, we would get along better?
- ja. お泊まりしたら仲良くなれると思った?
Episode 10 - Bunkasai Nara Ganbaru to Omotta?
- en. I thought we would do our best at the cultural festival?
- ja. 文化祭なら頑張ると思った?
Episode 11 - Taninmakase de Kateru to Omotta?
- en. I thought we could win by delegating to others?
- ja. 他人任せで勝てると思った?
Episode 12 - Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko Nandesu yo!
- en. My net game wife is a girl online!
- ja. ネトゲの嫁は女の子なんですよ!