Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu

OVA (110 ep.)
From 1988-01-08
to 1997-03-17
Alternative Titles
en:Legend of the Galactic Heroes
ru:Легенда о героях Галактики
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Episode 1 - Eien no Yoru no naka de
- en. In the Eternal Night
- ja. 永遠の夜の中で
Episode 2 - Asutaate Kaisen
- en. The Battle of Astarte
- ja. アスターテ会戦
Episode 3 - Dai Juusan Kantai Tanjou
- en. Birth of the 13th Fleet
- ja. 第十三艦隊誕生
Episode 4 - Teikoku no Zanshou
- en. Empire's Afterglow
- ja. 帝国の残照
Episode 5 - Kastrop Douran
- en. The Kastrop Rebellion
- ja. カストロプ動乱
Episode 6 - Bara no Kishi
- en. The Knights of the Rose
- ja. 薔薇の騎士
Episode 7 - Iserlohn Kouryaku!
- en. Iserlohn Taken!
- ja. イゼルローン攻略!
Episode 8 - Reitetsu naru Gigan
- en. Cool, Clear Artificial Eyes
- ja. 冷徹なる義眼
Episode 9 - Klopstock Jiken
- en. The Klopstock Incident
- ja. クロプシュトック事件
Episode 10 - Jessica no Tatakai
- en. Jessica's Battle
- ja. ジェシカの戦い
Episode 11 - Joyuu Taijou
- en. The Actress Exits
- ja. 女優退場
Episode 12 - Teikokuryou Shinkou
- en. Invasion of the Imperial Territory
- ja. 帝国領侵攻
Episode 13 - Shuu Kitarinaba
- en. When the Rain of Grief Comes
- ja. 愁雨来たりなば
Episode 14 - Henkyou no Kaihou
- en. Liberation of the Frontier Zone
- ja. 辺境の解放
Episode 15 - Amlitzer Seiiki Kaisen
- en. The Battle of Amlitzer Starzone
- ja. アムリッツァ星域会戦
Episode 16 - Arata naru Chouryuu
- en. New Trends
- ja. 新たなる潮流
Episode 17 - Arashi no Mae
- en. Before the Storm
- ja. 嵐の前
Episode 18 - Lippstadt no Mitsuyaku
- en. The Lippstadt Conspiracy
- ja. リップシュタットの密約
Episode 19 - Yan Kantai Shutsudou
- en. The Yang Fleet Goes Out
- ja. ヤン艦隊出動
Episode 20 - Ryuuketsu no Uchuu
- en. Bloodshed in Space
- ja. 流血の宇宙
Episode 21 - Doria Seiiki Kaisen, soshite...
- en. The Battle of Doria Starzone, then...
- ja. ドーリア星域会戦、そして...
Episode 22 - Yuuki to Chuusei
- en. Courage and Allegiance
- ja. 勇気と忠誠
Episode 23 - Ougonju (Goldenbaum) wa Taoreta
- en. The Downfall of the Golden Tree (Goldenbaum)
- ja. 黄金樹(ゴールデンバウム)は倒れた
Episode 24 - Ta ga Tame no Shouri
- en. Whose Victory?
- ja. 誰が為の勝利
Episode 25 - Unmei no Zenjitsu
- en. The Day Before Victory
- ja. 運命の前日
Episode 26 - Saraba, Tooki Hi
- en. Farewell, the Old Days
- ja. さらば、遠き日
Episode 27 - Uijin
- en. First Battle
- ja. 初陣
Episode 28 - Shouzou
- en. Portraits
- ja. 肖像
Episode 29 - Hosoi Ippon no Ito
- en. One Thin Thread
- ja. 細い一本の糸
Episode 30 - Ushinawareta Mono
- en. Lost Things
- ja. 失われたもの
Episode 31 - Samon Kai
- en. The Inquiry Comittee
- ja. 査問会
Episode 32 - Buki naki Tatakai
- en. War Without Weapons
- ja. 武器なき戦い
Episode 33 - Yousai Tai Yousai
- en. Fortress Versus Fortress
- ja. 要塞対要塞
Episode 34 - Kikan
- en. Repatriation
- ja. 帰還
Episode 35 - Ketsui to Yashin to
- en. Determination and Ambition
- ja. 決意と野心と
Episode 36 - Raimei
- en. Thunder
- ja. 雷鳴
Episode 37 - Youtei Yuukai
- en. The Abduction of the Young Emperor
- ja. 幼帝誘拐
Episode 38 - Ya wa Hanatareta
- en. The Arrow Is Released
- ja. 矢は放たれた
Episode 39 - Hitotsu no Tabidachi
- en. A Departure
- ja. ひとつの旅立ち
Episode 40 - Yurian no Tabi, Jinrui no Tabi
- en. Julian's Journey, Mankind's Journey
- ja. ユリアンの旅、人類の旅
Episode 41 - Sakusein Mei "Kamigami no Tasogare" (Ragnarok)
- en. Operation Twilight of the Gods (Ragnarok)
- ja. 作戦名「神々の黄昏(ラグナロック)」
Episode 42 - Chinkonkyoku (Requiem) e no Shoutai
- en. Invitation to a Requiem
- ja. 鎮魂曲(レクイエム)への招待
Episode 43 - Gjallahorn wa Natta
- en. Gjallahorn's Roar
- ja. ギャラルホルンは鳴った
Episode 44 - Phezzan Senryou
- en. Phezzan Occupied
- ja. フェザーン占領
Episode 45 - Kanpa Itaru
- en. The Cold Wave Arrives
- ja. 寒波至る
Episode 46 - Yan Teitoku no Hakobune Tai
- en. Admiral Yang's Ark Fleet
- ja. ヤン提督の箱舟隊
Episode 47 - Jiyuu no Uchuu wo Motomete
- en. Seeking a Free Universe
- ja. 自由の宇宙を求めて
Episode 48 - Soutou no Hebi: Rantemario no Kessen
- en. The Double-Headed Snake: The Decisive Battle of Rantemario
- ja. 双頭の蛇〜ランテマリオの決戦〜
Episode 49 - Yami ga Fukaku naru no wa...
- en. The Darkness Before Dawn...
- ja. 闇が深くなるのは
Episode 50 - Rensen
- en. Battle After Battle
- ja. 連戦
Episode 51 - Vermillion no Shitou (Zenpen)
- en. The Battle of Vermillion (first part)
- ja. バーミリオンの死闘(前編)
Episode 52 - Vermillion no Shitou (Kouhen)
- en. The Battle of Vermillion (second part)
- ja. バーミリオンの死闘(後編)
Episode 53 - Kyuuten
- en. Sudden Change
- ja. 急転
Episode 54 - Koutei Banzai! (Sieg Kaiser) (皇帝ばんざい!
- en. Long Live the Emperor! (Sieg Kaiser)
- ja. ジーク・カイザー)
Episode 55 - Gishiki kara Futatabi Maku wa Agari...
- en. After the Ceremony, the Curtain Rises Again...
- ja. 儀式から再び幕は上がり...
Episode 56 - Chikyuu e
- en. To Earth
- ja. 地球へ
Episode 57 - Kyunmeru Jiken
- en. The Kunmel Incident
- ja. キュンメル事件
Episode 58 - Houmonsha
- en. Visitors
- ja. 訪問者
Episode 59 - Kako to Genzai to Mirai to
- en. Past, Present, and Future
- ja. 過去と現在と未来と
Episode 60 - Majutsushi Torawaru
- en. The Magician Is Captured
- ja. 魔術師捕らわる
Episode 61 - Kageki (Opera) e no Shoutai
- en. Invitation to an Opera
- ja. 歌劇(オペラ)への招待
Episode 62 - Chi no Ryuusui Kaidan (Cascade)
- en. Blood Running Down the Stars (Cascade)
- ja. 血の流水階段(カスケード)
Episode 63 - Seichi
- en. Holy Land
- ja. 聖地
Episode 64 - Kyuuka wa Owarinu
- en. Holiday's End
- ja. 休暇は終わりぬ
Episode 65 - Subete no Hata ni Somuite
- en. Against All Flags
- ja. すべての旗に背いて
Episode 66 - Ougon Shishi Ki (Goldenlowe) no Moto ni
- en. Under the Golden Lion Flag (Goldenlowe)
- ja. 黄金獅子旗(ゴールデンルーヴェ)の下に
Episode 67 - Kamigami no Tasogare (Ragnarok) Futatabi
- en. Twilight of the Gods (Ragnarok) Again
- ja. 「神々の黄昏(ラグナロック)」ふたたび
Episode 68 - El Facil e
- en. To El Facil
- ja. エル・ファシルへ
Episode 69 - Iserlohn Sai Dasshu Sakusen
- en. The Battle to Retake Iserlohn
- ja. イゼルローン再奪取作戦
Episode 70 - Touji-tachi no Kitaku
- en. The Prodigal Sons Come Home
- ja. 蕩児たちの帰宅
Episode 71 - Mar-Adetta Seiiki no Kaisen (Zenpen)
- en. The Battle of Mar-Adetta Starzone (Beginning)
- ja. マル・アデッタ星域の会戦(前編)
Episode 72 - Mar-Adetta Seiiki no Kaisen (Kouhen)
- en. The Battle of Mar-Adetta Starzone (Ending)
- ja. マル・アデッタ星域の会戦(後編)
Episode 73 - Fuyu Bara En no Chokurei
- en. The Edict of the Winter Rose Garden
- ja. 冬バラ園の勅令
Episode 74 - Zentoryouen
- en. The Long Road Ahead
- ja. 前途遼遠
Episode 75 - Raidou
- en. Rolling Thunder
- ja. 雷動
Episode 76 - Matsuri no Mae
- en. Eve of the Festival
- ja. 祭りの前
Episode 77 - Kaze wa Kairou e
- en. To the Windy Corridor
- ja. 風は回廊へ
Episode 78 - Haru no Arashi
- en. Spring Storm
- ja. 春の嵐
Episode 79 - Kairou no Tatakai (Zenpen): Joushou to Fuhai to
- en. The Battle of the Corridor (Beginning): The Invincible and the Undefeated
- ja. 回廊の戦い(前編)〜常勝と不敗と〜
Episode 80 - Kairou no Tatakai (Chuuhen): Bankakyoo (Kaleidoscope)
- en. The Battle of the Corridor (Middle): Kaleidoscope
- ja. 回廊の戦い(中編)〜万華鏡(カレイドスコープ)〜
Episode 81 - Kairou no Tatakai (Kouhen): Dai Shinsei no Shuumaku
- en. The Battle of the Corridor (Ending): End of the Imperial Expedition
- ja. 回廊の戦い(後編)〜大親征の終幕〜
Episode 82 - Majutsushi, Kaerazu
- en. The Magician Did Not Returm
- ja. 魔術師、還らず
Episode 83 - Matsuro no Ato
- en. After the Festival
- ja. 祭りの後
Episode 84 - Shitsui no Gaisen
- en. The Disappointing Triumphant Return
- ja. 失意の凱旋
Episode 85 - Sento Rei
- en. The Order for the Transfer of the Capital
- ja. 遷都令
Episode 86 - Hachigatsu no Shin Seifu (New Government in August)
- en. New Government in August
- ja. 8月の新政府(ニュー·ガバメント·イン·オーガスタ)
Episode 87 - Arashi no Yokan
- en. Premonition of the Storm
- ja. 嵐の予感
Episode 88 - Henkyou nite
- en. In the Distant Frontier
- ja. 辺境にて
Episode 89 - Natsu no Owari no Bara
- en. Roses at the End of Summer
- ja. 夏の終わりのバラ
Episode 90 - Meidou
- en. Rumbling
- ja. 鳴動
Episode 91 - Hatsuga
- en. Burgeonning
- ja. 発芽
Episode 92 - Uruvashi Jiken
- en. The Urvashi Incident
- ja. ウルヴァシー事件
Episode 93 - Kyouji ni Kakete
- en. For Pride
- ja. 矜持にかけて
Episode 94 - Hangyaku wa Eiyuu no Tokken
- en. Rebellion Is a Hero's Privilege
- ja. 叛逆は英雄の特権
Episode 95 - Souheki Aiutsu!
- en. The Two Great Ones Strike at Each Other!
- ja. 双璧相撃つ!
Episode 96 - Ken ni Iki...
- en. Live by the Sword...
- ja. 剣に生き...
Episode 97 - Ken ni Taore
- en. Die by the Sword
- ja. 剣に斃れ
Episode 98 - Owari naki Chinkonkyoku (Requiem)
- en. Endless Requiem
- ja. 終わりなき鎮魂曲(レクイエム)
Episode 99 - Mirae e no Josou
- en. The Approach Run Toward the Future
- ja. 未来への助走
Episode 100 - Kouhi Banzai! (Hoffe Kaiserin)
- en. Love Live the Empress! (Hoffe Kaiserin)
- ja. 皇妃ばんざい!(ホーフ·カイザーリン)
Episode 101 - Douran e no Sasoi
- en. Invitation to Rebellion
- ja. 動乱への誘い
Episode 102 - Aete Buki wo Te ni
- en. A Challenge to Arms
- ja. 敢えて武器を手に
Episode 103 - Cosmic Mosaic
- en. Cosmic Mosaic
- ja. コズミック・モザイク
Episode 104 - Heiwa e, Ryuuketsu Keiyu
- en. For Peace, Via Bloodshed
- ja. 平和へ、流血経由
Episode 105 - Konmeo no Wakusei
- en. Planet of Confusion
- ja. 昏迷の惑星
Episode 106 - Hiiragi-kan (Stehibalm Schloss) Enjou
- en. Stehibalm Schloss Burns
- ja. 柊舘(シュテッヒパルム·シュロス)炎上
Episode 107 - Shinku no Seiro
- en. The Crimson Star Road
- ja. 深紅の星路(クリムゾン・スターロード)
Episode 108 - Biki (Brünnhilde) wa Chi wo Hoisu
- en. Bloodthirsty Maiden (Brünnhilde)
- ja. 美姫(ブリュンヒルト)は血を欲す
Episode 109 - Ougon Shishi Ki (Goldenlöwe) ni Hikari nashi
- en. The Golden Lion Flag (Goldenlöwe) Loses Its Light
- ja. 黄金獅子旗(ゴールデンルーヴェ)に光なし
Episode 110 - Yume, Mihatetari
- en. Dream: To See it to the End
- ja. 夢、見果てたり